
Thursday, May 19, 2005

I'm off to Germany!

Sorry i haven't been able to write all that much, but i have to use the computer lab which only has 20 computers for 100 students, so it is hard to find time. but i might be getting wireless on my laptop so then it will be a lot easier! and then you can see lots of pictures! i will try to post some pictures next week sometime. As for now, i am in Florence, Italy and it is slowly growing on me. it's hard to adjust to different culture and language (especially when i speak no italian!) and all that good stuff. but it's an adventure. infact, yesterday we went on a day trip on the train to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa which was awesome. The adventure for the day was that my friend Patricia and I had to go to the bathroom and then the group left for the train without us! we ran through the streets of Pisa to the train station! it was a good adrenaline rush! but we made it and returned to florence only to find it POURING down rain with thunder and lightening! it was a crazy day. today i am off to GERMANY! i am excited! we get to stay at the REAL Disneyland castle and see a concentration camp. it should be interesting. well, i have to go to class (yes i am taking class over here... i actually just finished my first quiz. ewwwwwwwwwwww). talk to you all soon.


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